At MeetingResult we are passionate about helping organizations eliminate the productivity drain that inefficient business meetings cause in todays’ organizations. We recognize that every day this problem causes significant waste of precious capital at virtually every organization on earth. However, quite honestly, this productivity problem pales in comparison to the overwhelming humanitarian crisis facing our generation –extreme poverty.
As adoptive fathers to three orphaned children of east Africa, the founders of MeetingResult aspire to solve day-to-day problems for businesses, so that we can assist the most vulnerable in their fight against the life and death struggle with extreme poverty. Specifically, the mission behind the mission of MeetingResult is to use our business resources to support vulnerable children in the east African country of Ethiopia and other poverty stricken nations around the world.
Many of these children live on the streets and find occasional care at churches and drop-in centers – places where they may or may not find the help they need. To these children we dedicate the mission of MeetingResult.